== FeatureList xText EBNF Version 2.0 == * '''Core Features''': 1. BNF front-end (Parser, Lexer, Linker, etc.) 1. translates a textual representation into an Ecore model 1. Editor - provides IDE features, e.g. auto-completion, syntax highlighting, etc. * '''Validation Rules:''' these rules will give warnings in the editor if they find find consistencies in the code 1. checkUpdateGrammarConsistency: checks, if the grammar is an updated grammar, for consistencies between the originals and the new grammar e.g.: status: not migrated 2. CheckReferencedOnlyOnce : this should warn if there is a rule that is only referenced once, this is an inlining hint e.g.: status: migrated 3. checkPassthroughRule: e.g.:this tests if a rule gets just passed through a ::= b b ::= "literal" <=> a ::= "literal" , which is better for EBNF 4. checkEqualAlternative: this tests if a rule got equal alternatives e.g.: a::= d | d status: still some problems 5. checkDuplicateRules: checks if there is another rule in the EtsiBnf , that got the same behaviour e.g.: a ::= "literal" | b c ::= "literal" | b status: migrated 6. checkSubruleDuplicates: status: not migrated 7. check unused rule: it checks if a rule is used (exept for the rule with the number 1) status: migrated 8. checkNameIsUnique: checks if the nam of a rule is already in use e.g.: a ::= "end" a ::= "fin" status: migrated * '''Generation:''' -basic generation has been achieved but the output-format is unclear. Works with a Xtend-generator, momentary "xmi-like" output for a bnf grammar -old version had: mwe2 Generator and Xpand2 support - it could generate mergeGrammars from CoreGrammars and CompositeGrammars from Merge grammars -seemingly it could produce a xsl-fo-file with the corresponding nodemodel -new version: xsl-fo file for all bnf grammars (not for merge or deltagrammars) this can be Rendered to Pdf using apache-fop * '''Formatting:''' old: had some but they are got commented out in the main project new: Line-break after every rule, white-spaces after all literals, possible update linebreak and double tab after all >|< bars * '''Refactoring & Quickfixing:''' 1. auto Numbering of rules -not migrated 1. remove unused rules -not migrated 3. replacement of passthroughRules -not migrated 3. refactor uppercasetokenRules -not migrated 5.find references, this one is standard in xtext2.* -renaming, this is standard in xtext2.* *Grammar composition: -3 grammartypes: grammar: normal grammar deltagrammar: different notation for a extension grammar, adds new rules to a grammar (regular rules)and adds changes to rules of the extended grammar(extension rules) -can be automaticly created mergegrammar: for merging extensions -old version had an automatic composition Process, for merge grammars, with a small pop-up-menu. * at the moment no support in the new version * '''Deploying:''' -export project: Plug-in Development/deployable plug-ins and fragments -rcp project with a minimal eclipse editor