
Version 3 (modified by phdmakk, 10 years ago) (diff)


Third Party Libraries and Dependencies

The BNF Tools make use of the following third party libraries:

  • Apache Avalon Framework 4.2.0
  • Apache Batik 1.7
  • Apache Commons IO 1.3.1
  • Apache Commons Logging 1.0.4
  • Apache FOP 1.1
  • Apache XML Serializer 2.7.0
  • Apache Xalan 2.7.0
  • Apache Xerces 2.7.1
  • Apache XML APIs 1.3.04
  • Apache XML APIs Extensions 1.3.04
  • Apache XML Graphics Commons 1.5

All the necessary dependencies are included in the repository and the packaged distributions. The use of newer versions of the required libraries is possible, however only the included versions have been tested and known to work.

Apart from these, the deployment of the BNF Tools plugins requires Eclipse Luna Modelling Tools Package, including the Xtext SDK.