1 | grammar ttcn3_advancedparameterization/bnf;
2 |
3 | import "ttcn3-4.2.1.bnf"/core;
4 |
5 | A. Type parameter definitions
6 |
7 | 1. FormalTypeParList ::= "<" FormalTypePar { "," FormalTypePar } ">"
8 | 2. FormalTypePar ::= [ InParKeyword ] [ Type | TypeDefKeyword ] TypeParIdentifier [ ":=" Type ]
9 | 3. TypeParIdentifier ::= Identifier
10 | 4. TypeActualParIdentifier ::= Identifier
11 | 5. TypeParAssignment ::= TypeActualParIdentifier ":=" TypeActualPar
12 | 6. ActualTypeParList ::= ( "<" ActualTypePar { "," ActualTypePar } ">" ) |
13 | ("<" ActualTypeParAssignment { "," ActualTypeParAssignment } ">")
14 | 7. ActualTypePar ::= Type | Dash
15 | 8. ActualTypeParAssignment ::= TypeActualParIdentifier ":=" ActualTypePar
16 | 9. StructDefFormalParList ::= "(" StructDefFormalPar {"," StructDefFormalPar} ")"
17 | 10. StructDefFormalPar ::= FormalValuePar
18 |
19 |
20 | // modifications
21 |
22 | 18. StructDefBody ::= (StructTypeIdentifier | AddressKeyword)
23 | [FormalTypeParList] [StructDefFormalParList]
24 | "{" [StructFieldDef {"," StructFieldDef}] "}"
25 | 34. UnionDefBody ::= (StructTypeIdentifier | AddressKeyword)
26 | [FormalTypeParList] [StructDefFormalParList]
27 | "{" UnionFieldDef {"," UnionFieldDef} "}"
28 | 40. StructOfDefBody ::= (Type | NestedTypeDef) (StructTypeIdentifier | AddressKeyword)
29 | [FormalTypeParList] [StructDefFormalParList] [SubTypeSpec]
30 | 42. EnumDef ::= EnumKeyword (EnumTypeIdentifier | AddressKeyword) [StructDefFormalParList]
31 | "{" EnumerationList "}"
32 | 48. SubTypeDef ::= Type (SubTypeIdentifier | AddressKeyword)
33 | [FormalTypeParList] [StructDefFormalParList] [ArrayDef] [SubTypeSpec]
34 | 56. PortType ::= [GlobalModuleId Dot] PortTypeIdentifier [ActualTypeParList] [ TypeActualParList ]
35 | 58. PortDefBody ::= PortTypeIdentifier [FormalTypeParList] [StructDefFormalParList] PortDefAttribs
36 | 79. ComponentDef ::= ComponentKeyword ComponentTypeIdentifier
37 | [FormalTypeParList] [StructDefFormalParList]
38 | [ExtendsKeyword ComponentType {"," ComponentType}]
39 | "{" [ComponentDefList] "}"
40 | 82. ComponentType ::= [GlobalModuleId Dot] ComponentTypeIdentifier
41 | [ActualTypeParList] [ TypeActualParList ]
42 | 95. BaseTemplate ::= (Type | Signature) TemplateIdentifier
43 | [FormalTypeParList] ["(" TemplateFormalParList ")"]
44 | 107. StructFieldRef ::= StructFieldIdentifier| PredefinedType | ReferencedType
45 | /* STATIC SEMANTICS - PredefinedType and ReferencedType shall be used for anytype value notation
46 | only. PredefinedType shall not be AnyTypeKeyword.*/
47 | 160. FunctionDef ::= FunctionKeyword FunctionIdentifier [FormalTypeParList]
48 | "("[FunctionFormalParList] ")" [RunsOnSpec] [ReturnType] StatementBlock
49 | 177. FunctionInstance ::= FunctionRef [ActualTypeParList] "(" [FunctionActualParList] ")"
50 | 182. SignatureDef ::= SignatureKeyword SignatureIdentifier [FormalTypeParList]
51 | "("[SignatureFormalParList] ")" [ReturnType | NoBlockKeyword]
52 | [ExceptionSpec]
53 | 191. Signature ::= [GlobalModuleId Dot] SignatureIdentifier [ActualTypeParList]
54 | 192. TestcaseDef ::= TestcaseKeyword TestcaseIdentifier [FormalTypeParList]
55 | "("[TestcaseFormalParList] ")" ConfigSpec
56 | StatementBlock
57 | 200. TestcaseInstance ::= ExecuteKeyword "(" TestcaseRef [ActualTypeParList]
58 | "(" [TestcaseActualParList] ")"
59 | ["," TimerValue] ")"
60 | 205. AltstepDef ::= AltstepKeyword AltstepIdentifier [FormalTypeParList]
61 | "("[AltstepFormalParList] ")" [RunsOnSpec]
62 | "{" AltstepLocalDefList AltGuardList "}"
63 | 211. AltstepInstance ::= AltstepRef [ActualTypeParList] "(" [FunctionActualParList] ")"
64 | 456. ReferencedType ::= [GlobalModuleId Dot] TypeReference [TypeActualParList]
65 | [ExtendedFieldReference]
66 | 457. TypeReference ::= StructTypeIdentifier|
67 | EnumTypeIdentifier |
68 | SubTypeIdentifier |
69 | ComponentTypeIdentifier |
70 | PortTypeIdentifier
71 | 458. TypeActualParList ::= ( "(" TypeActualPar {"," TypeActualPar} ")" ) |
72 | ( "(" TypeParAssignment { "," TypeParAssignment } ")" )
73 |
74 | 459. TypeActualPar ::= ConstantExpression | TypeActualParIdentifier
75 | 603. ExtendedFieldReference ::= {((Dot (StructFieldIdentifier |
76 | (TypeDefIdentifier [ActualTypeParList][TypeActualParList])))
77 | | ArrayOrBitRef ) }+
78 | /* STATIC SEMANTIC - The TypeDefIdentifier shall be used only if the type of the VarInstance or
79 | ReferencedValue in wich the ExtendedFieldReference is used is anytype.*/
80 |